labyrinth quilt

This past weekend I was diagnosed with pneumonia, I've started taking antibiotics and prednisone, too bad I still feel like shit! Cough, Cough, Cough! Tomorrow I go back to work so today I'm going to act like a healthy know shower, put on real clothes (instead of my jammies), not take 3 naps, eat real food instead of soup and tea and try to accomplish something.  That something is this post....I wanted to share the progress on my son's Christmas gift the labyrinth quilt.  It is a great quilt for quilting because of all the open areas, which also makes it a challenging quilt to quilt, because there are so many possibilities!  I've spent lots of time drawing out designs even my husband made the comment "All you do is draw!"  Then I get downstairs, view the quilt and as the great Leah Day says "KISS" (Keep It Simple Stupid).  For the outer most border, I opted for C-feathers, the next border is leafy arcs with curved crosshatching.  Maybe today I can get a little quilting done....or maybe I'll just go lay back down :(

 Yeah, I know my pebbles suck, hopefully I'll get better by the time I'm done with this quilt, but right now I'm just too sick to care...


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